Yare 3 status "second half of 2022"

Yare 3 was put on hold and it has been months since I did any work on it. Year 2022 was full of changes, both financially and professionally. Fortunately, I have been working on smaller projects, gained more game development experience and I hope, if time allows, to release more content in the future. Not necessarily Yare 3 content, but other games. 

In my spare time I have been prototyping ideas or writing stories for what could make for a game or multiple games. Since I am not a programmer, animator or sound artist, most of my work revolved in either writing or 3D modeling bits and pieces of the worlds I have envisioned. 

Many times I feel like the things I want to accomplish are so technologically and laboriously advanced that a single person would never be able to achieve them in less than 5 years. And yet, I am trying everyday or every week, with the little time and energy I have to create fantasy worlds worthy of someone's time. 

Happy holidays and happy more prolific new year!


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and if you want, try to make short, quick game projects, so that they can be easy, manageable goals for you.

slowly, you will get there, as practice makes perfect.

be well!


Thank you for your kind words, when a game of mine will be released, you will be the first one to know. You're the best!

thats good to hear, just be well, try to have fun, and have some happy holidays!