A downloadable game for Windows

Buy Now$18.99 USD or more

This game has a strong weight gain fetish theme - this might not be for everyone.

Other themes present: ass expansion, breast expansion, fat, blob, immobility, centaur weight gain

Embark on a journey to restore a magical portal by helping a female centaur regain her powers!


Buy Now$18.99 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $18.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

TheTreeEATER.zip 151 MB


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19USD? you got to be out of your mind for that price. 


Thank you for your feedback! as many of you mentioned, the game could use better pricing. Why does it not have it then? simply put, if a game only sells ~50 copies <due to its nature> then the game did not make any surplus. Believe it or not, even with this price, I made no profits from this game considering the development costs. 

You might be asking> Why did you make the game then? Because I loved making it. 

>But if you love making it, why not release it for free? I just need to justify the hundreds of hours (in the span of 6 to 12 months) I put in those projects somehow. They are far from perfect but they are my creations and your contribution help me continue working on future projects.

Buying it full price helps with the development of newer games. If you don't want to support future games, no worries. You can still consider buying this when it's on sale. There will be plenty more sales in the future. Thank you for your understanding.

Is the sale still coming or did I miss a tiny window of purchase?

You missed it


Guess I'll never buy this game then


there will be plenty of sales in the future, do not  worry:)


First off - thank you for lowering the price, I actually bought and tried the game. About 30 minutes in and my only complaint really is how slow it is. Not the gameplay - but the rate my character moves. Goodness. I see in the comments on this page that you have it so the game has replay value - which is cool but there's gotta be something done about the movement speed. I'm ok with exploration and puzzles and exploring but it is agonizing to slowly crawl around just to reach the wrong spot and slow motion walk to the next thing. I am aware of the faster movement speed but that is unfortunately slow as molasses too - I spent the entire time holding spacebar to move faster and its still too slow. Other than that, the game is graphically quite nice, has a simple enough gameplay loop and story, I just haven't yet played enough to give my full opinion. I really only want faster movement.

I now see your reasoning for slower movement speed in another comment. I will say the slow saunter of MC in the game does absolutely give it a more cinematic look - and from an artistic point of view I think you succeed there, but it's harder to stay engaged as a player who is looking to just play the game. It may be difficult to shoot for both, but perhaps you could work on multiple movement speeds as options. The space key is not nearly enough of a difference - and if possible try to make it a toggle speed thing so I don't have to hold the key down all the way. But as I said before, the game is visually quite nice, and the gameplay is simple and straightforward, it doesn't do more than it needs. I am very curious about the MC growth differences I've read about on here... I look forward to playing more

Deleted 95 days ago

first of all, thank you for playing my game! it is great seeing my product being out there.

In order to make the surroundings brighter you might consider pressing the L key to activate the light. In order to move faster you may consider keep pressing the space key as well. I will try to add more settings in my future releases, things like mouse sensitivity or gamma. If you have trouble finding the right roots, you might wanna check a map I've released a while back.

It was a conscious decision I made to make the game have a slower pace and have a darker ambient. I believe this gave the game a cinematic look. But I might've been wrong?

Anyway, thanks again for playing my game! Wishing you awesome holidays!

Thanks for the reply... all Day was just terrible...

I am going to start over again with a better reply... 

I took the time to play it and calm down I see its not bad... the controls are on the right when the menu pops up. and i finished the game.  yes I still believe you could add the settings for look sensitivity  and gamma... okay I believe the game was abit over priced for what we got but hopefully the Updates make up for it. I believe if you would drop your price by a few bucks you would have more buyers and if you could also on the title screen can you put  the "Options".. with controls.    :) and a save state file I noticed that it saves but it also doesn't tell me where.  so I seem to be stuck with a "Soft Lock" I saved it after talking with her when she opened the portal. I didn't know that was the end so when I start it up again the portal is shut. but i can't start over. 

Good job so far would like to see more.  didn't mean to blow up on you.  :)

Got to agree with Loller1234 and ILBFGB. The most games i've bought on this genre have been tops 10$ and i've played a great deal of them, i understand ur take on why the price is that high, but i have to say with all due respect that im sure the price is driving a bunch of possible buyers like myself away from the game. It could maybe help adding some screenshots or adding how big the sizes could be, even how much of playtime there is. I've been watching this game from many months back, expecting maybe a sale as u say but nothing seems to change, it saddens me because i think the game has great potential to be a big one and become a hit, but it really would be difficult with a price like that. I have my best intentions though, just trying to help and give you another perspective that im pretty sure is the one the community has. Maybe using the games posted in weightgaming.com as a reference may help you and also creating a thread there to advertise the game so you can get more people interested.


Thank you greatly for your feedback! Please don't lose hope because a sale is coming and it will be a very good one. I have the announcement ready. As for why I was reluctant to show off more of the game, the reason is that I was and still am afraid not to spoil anything. I believe in offering people a pleasant surprise when they play my games and see that there is actually more than what was revealed in the trailer/teasers. But maybe this is not a good strategy. I'm still learning.

I understand, also thanks for taking the time for replying. I'll be waiting for the sale announcement! Also just as an advice, as i said earlier i get your reason to not show a lot of the game and i agree with you and is a great point of view, just maybe having a balance between information regarding the game and not spoiling much of it is the key for people to understand more what the game has to offer and maybe will help it to reach a greater audience, maybe not gameplay but more information as i said for example gameplay time (how much it takes to finish the game), maybe a reference to how huge the characters can get (like how many sizes are there for each character) and what kind of experience you would like the players to have. Cant wait to play ur game and see how well that effort paid out! Thank you for being a creator who puts heart and soul for your work like so many of the great devs and artists out there!!

I absolutely love you! will definitely use your suggestions in my future game releases - video wise, gameplay/communication needs to become better. Thank you for taking the time to be here. <3

(1 edit)

Sending love ur way too dude! Thank u for listening to the suggestions and i hope they serve u well, hope to see more of your talent in the future!! Also i hope i dont miss the big sale announcement hehe.


I can't find where all the roots are any tips cause I get to 3 and just cannot get any more

Ok, just finished it several times, are there 2 codes to unlock? If so, 2 different sizes for the MC isn't a lot.

How do I reset MC to origin size?

That's a good question. I don't remember implementing such feature. You may as well just restart the game. Hope it helps :)

(1 edit)

I have the Steam version and have tried restarting and updating  the games multiple times, however nothing has worked so far.  Did not want to place spoiler comments there.

Try finding the save file and delete it? It might be somewhere here> C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME HERE\Saved Games or here> C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME HERE\AppData\Local or here?> C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME HERE\AppData\Roaming

I feel bad for not adding such feature :'(

would you be able to upload another gameplay vid that at least explains and shows some mechanics like HOW exactly you WG or at least the event that would lead in to your first WG stage the vid here only show the environment and walk animations nothing major or interesting to the point i would want to buy this honestly if i could see some more proper gameplay i would not mind saving up for it and buying it at full price but as it stands now i have seen nothing that makes me want to buy it :/

Interesting feedback. I don't give much info because 1. there is no complex gameplay - as you play you're gonna experience pretty much all there is; and 2. I like offering people a pleasant surprise. This is also the reason I deleted some comments here, they were revealing the whole game and were spoiling the whole experience. It's really bad when people tell you how a movie's going to end. But is also bad when a trailer is revealing too much or sometime even the whole movie. Things are really difficult to balance. But I will definitely consider it.


how is this 18.99, I bought Doom 2016 at 4.99


I also bought DOOM 2016, just like millions of other fans that are into shooters games. If there were millions of people into weight gain, breast expansion, or ass expansion games, my games would *much likely* be priced lower too. But since these interests are *very* niche, there aren't enough buyers, which keeps the prices higher. Nobody knows this, but I have made zero profits from this game or any others I've developed. If the price feels too high (which I totally understand), I recommend waiting for a sale. I always make sure to announce any upcoming discounts. Thanks for your understanding!


but you're also the only guy that prices them this high, while also making a boat load of said games. I bought others from here AND on steam for far lower than 18.99. Also the trailer doesn't show any gameplay either other than low fps camera rotations, that might be my clue to not trust a purchase.

I mean do what you want - because I sure as hell am NOT the dev, and I don't know the numbers - but there's no way the current model is as profitable as lowering to a reasonable price. I would pay at most 10 bucks for this. The game looks interesting, and it is 3D and free roam, which is rare for this genre.  I would be willing to pay $10. $18 seems excessive. My curiosity is how many possible sales are turned away at the price point - perhaps cutting the price in half would see more than twice the people buying the game, leading to more profit. I come across this game often when I search for more of this type and I skip every time due to the price. AGAIN, I am not the one pulling strings - you know the situation, the logistics, and what does and doesn't work. This is just my two cents. TheLoller1234 has a point that there aren't any expansion themed games priced this high. I am willing to gamble 5 bucks, maybe 10 on a game that reveals so little in its trailers. I agree with your sentiment that you can't reveal the whole game beforehand, like movie trailers, but I also can't bring myself to spend almost 20 bucks on a game where this genre is SO hit or miss on the quality of the product. Sorry for the lengthy paragraph but I've been looking at this game for months whenever I see it and figured I should chime in. I mean it with all respect, I am sure you work very hard and just need it to be worth your time, deservedly so. I could be entirely entirely wrong.


Just to be clear - most games like this aren't even $10. What I was saying was I am enticed enough to pay up to that, for example.

Totally understand your point. A massive sale is coming that will last a pretty long time. I will be entirely honest with you, this will be a big gamble for me. But nonetheless, the community asks for something and I shall answer the best I can to my abilities. Thank you greatly for your feedback. I really mean it, you wrote a lot of words there and it was not chatgpt, you spend your own time in doing something that hopefully will become a win/win for everyone. Thanks again for being here and sticking around and make sure to come back in December :)

I appreciate your response to me, and for not getting upset. Sometimes, game devs don't take kindly to criticism lol. I'm happy to hear there will be a sale - I look forward to trying out the game when this sale happens!


why does this game crash but elden ring doesnt

can you perhaps provide more information? what system do you use? what OS, what graphics card and what version of graphics card's driver.

windows 11
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10300H CPU
Graphics card: geforce 1650

try doing this


So a few questions , 

1. Is there a problem with planting the dagger in the trees everyone including myself seems to be having issues with this , making the game basically unplayable after the first 3-5 daggers 

2. Is there any other characters apart from the first 2 (MC & centaur) 

3. What’s the max size for MC as it seems the whole game just revolves around centaur with slight BE & AE elements on the MC 


1.I've played the game hundreds of times while testing and found no problems with the daggers. You may create a map of the area so that you avoid going to the same place multiple times. Going around the root might help!

2.I don't like giving too many details about the game and spoil the experience for other players. This said, there might not be any other characters.

3.The max size is randomized at the start of each gameplay session with different numbers for AE/BE and is never the max size! Upon completing the game you may receive ways to unlock the max size.

Hope this helps!


honestly, the game's broken, I've read through the comments and everyone has the same issue, basically after the 3rd dagger the game becomes unplayable and unbeatable. the MC expansion stuff seems broken too, I was playing and my MC had a bottom heavy build, then decided to save and exit the game hoping it would solve the dagger issue, and came back to my MC having gigantic breasts with no ass. 
I've also circled the same root for over an hour and still the dagger spot doesn't show up.  


if it's of any help, I'm playing on PC btw


I'm sorry to hear you're frustrated. I can guarantee you the game is NOT broken as I've play-tested it at least 300 times throughout development and more than 20 times after.

The spot you mentioned will not show up in the wrong place/root therefore I'd suggest you try and find the right root to encircle.

I need to admit that it saddens me to see the game design I worked on so hard - making this game as simple as possible (it could even be called a walking simulator) - is still offering a great deal of difficulties to some of its player base - especially to the small minority that also leave comments here. I don't know if it's bad design or it's something people are just not used to. Certainly this game is not your average point and click game with arrows that hold your hand telling you where to go and what to do. Is this what people want? I am genuinely curious.

I hope I didn't come out as too defensive. Leaving a comment saying a game is bad is not helping T_T. I'd be the happiest if people would be more specific, sending me an email for example and describing how the perfect game would look like for them. Or how TreeEater would have been a perfect game in their opinion. You can always send me an email to the following > daniel.arturelli@gmail.com. Game development is difficult and I am still learning. Also I've decided to release a map of the dark area. I know I'll spoil the game for some people so please use it only after you tried playing the game without it.


It's alright feeling defensive about a project you worked extremely hard on, just remember that QA testing is a fickle thing

What seems obvious and simple for you might not be the case for others, since you're more or less the only one who knows the full extent of how the game functions

It's not a failure of design, just a foresight issue 

I totally agree with you! thank you for your understanding and if you have an idea or concept don't hesitate to reach out to me :)

(1 edit)

I love the graphics in this game


hey might seem dumb but I am stuck at the first area because I somehow cant use the knife when on the spots tried every control E does nothing am i missing something

me too :,(


Is there a tutorial area or instructions of some kind? Finding where the daggers are supposed to go is driving mes nuts as I have 3 in the roots and cannot find the 4th no matter what I d


Same here, there are spots with no dagger and a very loud music, but spamming E still does nothing. I found 2 of those spots, and both do not seem to work. I tried circling the roots while spamming E, and still nothing.

Just a quick question, would it be possible to get this a mobile version?

That is a great question! A mobile version of the game is possible as I made sure the game is somewhat optimized. Even so, I never thought about it mainly because I believe there wouldn't be  enough  people interested in playing games from itch on their phones. But I might be wrong. 


this seems very interesting!

does it have a demo or some trial levels too?


nope already said on DA that he isnt because of the cost to make the game


Hi Chris! unfortunately it does not. As games get more and more complex, the time required to change things so that a game turns into a demo also increases. I was considering a demo but for now, one is very less likely to come out.

Thanks for your interest and support!

(1 edit)

Good job, made it through the game, but secret code isn't doing anything

I might be doing something wrong, enter isn't doing anything with it.

found a bug where if you save with the portal already open, then escape, go back into the game the portal will be closed and wont open again


Thanks a lot! actually the secret code *is* doing something but you have to play the game again - this way the game is more "replayable". I don't know if people *would* play the game multiple times, so any feedback is welcomed. 

About the bug you might be right, never thought someone would *not* go through the gate right away so I did not bother creating additional save data for the gate. I apologize for the inconvenience.

thanks for the response, is there a way to delete the save game data to play through it again?

That is a very good question! I should've seen it coming. I will try to patch it so you can have multiple saves. Until then try to locate the save file. It should be somewhere in

C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\[TreeEater]\app_userdata\[Tree Eater]